The Updated M.A.D.E. Diet E-Book

Are you ready to feel your best?

Meet the Author, Melissa McAllister

There was a point in my life that I was a French Fries and Pepsi Hoover! It wasn't until just after I had my two children that I started to really consider what I was putting into my body and how to properly care for it. I eventually started to take group exercise classes and thought 'I bet I could teach too' and my love for fitness was born! 18 years later I have been in multiple consumer workout videos and have trained and certified thousands of others to share their passion for fitness, through teaching too! I love teaching classes but my heart longed to help others more than just that 1 hour I had with them a week. I came across an opportunity to help others exponentially in addition to my classes and have loved it! I am able to help others through my true passion for fitness.

The M.A.D.E. Diet is a lifestyle plan that incorporates moderate protein, adequate fat, decreased carbs, and an introduction to intermittent fasting. Along with the most frequently asked questions being answered, you'll also get recipes and a 7-day meal plan to start you off right and losing inches your first week!

"One of the things I liked most about this book is that it gets right to business. The author gave the desired information in a clear concise way. This book isn't full of useless info that's only purpose is to fill pages. Believe me when I say that I have bought and attempted to read other diets, lifestyle, and healthy living books. Most are chalked full of jargon, off-topic subjects, and chapter after chapter of mind-numbing points of you. It can be overwhelming and insanely confusing. Especially when you are diving into uncharted territory. This book gives you what you need to get started asap. That's what we want right??? Cannot wait to put my newfound knowledge to use. Thanks Melissa!"

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